Invest in Fort Lewis College your way

Your giving equips Fort Lewis College to meet the challenges of tomorrow—and to extend opportunity to the next generation. You don’t have to be a certain age or extremely wealthy to leave a legacy. You just need a plan, and you’ve come to the right place to learn more so you can choose the approach that best fits your needs.

Give now

The simplest way to support Fort Lewis College is through cash gifts.

Give now

Call us

Note the fund you’d like to support and provide your credit or debit card number and gift amount.

Phone: +1 970-247-7080


Make checks payable to Fort Lewis College Foundation and send to:

Foundation Office
1000 Rim Drive
Durango, CO 81301

Wire transfer

You can give through domestic and international wire transfers.


Simple, safe, and quick. The most efficient way to donate to Fort Lewis College.

Donor Advised Fund

A charitable account with tax benefits for your favorite cause.


The Foundation accepts cryptocurrency donations. Contact us to learn more.


Planned and estate giving

With a planned gift, you can provide for your loved ones, receive tax benefits, and generate income while helping Fort Lewis College provide an affordable experiential learning environment to put students on a path to success. It’s never too early to think about creating a future gift.

Include this language in your estate plans to ensure a lasting impact at FLC:

“I give to the Fort Lewis College Foundation, a nonprofit corporation currently located at Durango, CO, or its successor thereto, ____ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.”
Donor Advised Fund

A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is a personal charitable vehicle that donors can establish at a public charity such as a community foundation or financial institution. Our DAF widget allows you to:

  • Easily connect to your DAF institution
  • Make a charitable contribution to FLC as often as you like
  • Receive an immediate tax deduction!
  • Recommend grants to your favorite charitable organizations at any time – including FLC
Give now from your
Donor-Advised Fund
Life insurance and retirement plan assets

Donors may transfer life insurance policies to the Fort Lewis College Foundation as owner and beneficiary or name the Fort Lewis College Foundation as the primary or secondary beneficiary under qualified retirement plans.

Securities and other appreciated properties

The gift of common stock, bonds, and certificates of deposit to Fort Lewis College Foundation can be tax-wise methods of making a contribution. To make such a gift, provide the following information to your broker:

Foundation account held at: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc
Deliver to: DTC Clearing 0164, Code 40
Name on account: The Fort Lewis College Foundation
Account number: 4069-4292
EIN number: 23-7122114

Plan your giving today

More ways to give

Matching gifts

Many employers will match charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. If your company offers these benefits, request a matching gift form from your employer and send it completed and signed with your gift. The impact of your gift to Fort Lewis College may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Find companies that match
Employee giving

Employees can give to the College by enrolling in a payroll deduction plan.

Enterprise Zone

With your gift of $250+ to one of our Enterprise Zone-eligible programs, you could receive a 25% Colorado state tax credit. 

  • Gift must be $250 or more
  • Gift may not be linked to a special event
  • Donor must be a Colorado resident
  • Donation must be designated to one of our eligible funds listed below:

Gifts-in-kind are donor contributions to Fort Lewis College in the form of goods, property, or services, as opposed to gifts of cash. How FLC processes a gift-in-kind depends on several factors, including the type of gift, the value of the gift, and how the gift will be used.

Pledge a gift

Make a commitment to FLC by filling out the Gift Commitment Form and sending it to the Foundation:


Mail: FLC Foundation
         1000 Rim Drive
         Durango, Colorado 81301